France 2023, Day 5. Ecluse l'alma to Dun-sur-Meuse

An absolutely gorgeous day on the river Meuse that started off early with a blazing sunrise.

We continue to head towards Verdun, but today we’re cruising through rapidly greening farmland and between forested hillsides. We locked through the villages of Pouilly-sur-Meuse and the fairly big city of Stenay, which we’re going to stop at on our way back downriver in a couple of days.

We’re spending the night docked at Dun-sur-Meuse which is a major historical site when it comes to American involvement in WWI. General John Pershing advanced on the German positions here until they finally retreated.

Just now late in the day we’re sitting on the boat in a nice rain storm, and it’s the first time in years that we’ve heard honest-to-goodness thunder, which we just don’t get very often in Anchorage. Come along for todays ride.