10th Anniversary of BWB-Biking with Bears in Denali.

This trip marks the 10th year that we’ve been mountain biking the road inside Denali National Park & Preserve. We've pedaled thousands of miles in those years, and we've loved every single trip. The times we've had the entire road to ourselves and the times we've had adrenalin pumping encounters with "curious" bears. The joy of being able to sit for hours watching wolf families grow up. Rain, snow, mud, flood. From sunny blue skies to biking in blizzards when we could barely see the road in front of us. It's still our favorite place on earth.

This trip was one for the books. We biked in driving rain and 40-50mph winds which literally blew us to a stop at times. And boy, did we share the road with bears this time! Come along for the ride. Click on the thumb-nails and cursor over the pictures so the captions can tell the story.